I have to work today. Ugh.
Writing that sentence makes me tired.
The only thing that helps...at all...is thinking about tomorrow.
Hubby doesn't like me to talk about it, in fact he hates when I talk about it, but he's a romantic.
I may have mentioned it before. I can't remember if I did or not, you can correct me if I'm wrong.
He buys me cards and writes little romantic things inside. He brings me fattening things like cheeseburgers and pizza to the hospital when I miss dinner. He brings me dark chocolate and Coke Zero when I've had a crappy day. He cracks my back and rubs my shoulders. He does the laundry for me when I'm tired. His favorite movies are what most people consider 'chick flicks'.
I love this man.
But, of all that, the most wonderful thing he does is plan road trips.
I love me a road trip. We are some traveling people. We haven't had that many in the last year because we were buying the house, but in the past we have taken 3-4 road trips a year. In fact, I love a road trip so much that I have been known to take all 3 boys by myself on a 6-8 hour trip to see my sisters on a whim. No joke. Hubby gets a call at 10 am telling him that I won't be home when he gets home or that I won't be home for a week, but there are plenty of frozen meals and clean clothes.. love ya, see ya when I get back.
Well, he did it again. Monday is my 31st birthday and Tuesday is our 12th anniversary. (We have been together 16 years so we count from then, but we celebrate it on our wedding anniversary because it's the same weekend as my birthday...not really as complicated as it sounds) I came home from one of the crappiest days of work I can imagine this past weekend to find him hard at work at the computer. He had planned a 4 day weekend to Savannah, GA just for the two of us!
I have always wanted to go to Savannah. The beautiful homes, the riverfront, Tybee Island, the "hauntings", the museums, the FOOD, the trolleys, the cemetary. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil...I love that book and can't wait to see Forsythe Park.
We will be staying at a beautiful old bed and breakfast, sleeping late, eating everything we can get our hands on, touring the city and just generally schlepping around with no plan whatsoever.
I can't wait :)
The only thing on our agenda is dinner at the Lady and Sons Restaurant....owned by one Paula Deen.
I hope to have pictures and details next week.
Hope you guys have a nice weekend. I know I plan to!
Writing that sentence makes me tired.
The only thing that helps...at all...is thinking about tomorrow.
Hubby doesn't like me to talk about it, in fact he hates when I talk about it, but he's a romantic.
I may have mentioned it before. I can't remember if I did or not, you can correct me if I'm wrong.
He buys me cards and writes little romantic things inside. He brings me fattening things like cheeseburgers and pizza to the hospital when I miss dinner. He brings me dark chocolate and Coke Zero when I've had a crappy day. He cracks my back and rubs my shoulders. He does the laundry for me when I'm tired. His favorite movies are what most people consider 'chick flicks'.
I love this man.
But, of all that, the most wonderful thing he does is plan road trips.
I love me a road trip. We are some traveling people. We haven't had that many in the last year because we were buying the house, but in the past we have taken 3-4 road trips a year. In fact, I love a road trip so much that I have been known to take all 3 boys by myself on a 6-8 hour trip to see my sisters on a whim. No joke. Hubby gets a call at 10 am telling him that I won't be home when he gets home or that I won't be home for a week, but there are plenty of frozen meals and clean clothes.. love ya, see ya when I get back.
Well, he did it again. Monday is my 31st birthday and Tuesday is our 12th anniversary. (We have been together 16 years so we count from then, but we celebrate it on our wedding anniversary because it's the same weekend as my birthday...not really as complicated as it sounds) I came home from one of the crappiest days of work I can imagine this past weekend to find him hard at work at the computer. He had planned a 4 day weekend to Savannah, GA just for the two of us!
I have always wanted to go to Savannah. The beautiful homes, the riverfront, Tybee Island, the "hauntings", the museums, the FOOD, the trolleys, the cemetary. Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil...I love that book and can't wait to see Forsythe Park.
We will be staying at a beautiful old bed and breakfast, sleeping late, eating everything we can get our hands on, touring the city and just generally schlepping around with no plan whatsoever.
I can't wait :)
The only thing on our agenda is dinner at the Lady and Sons Restaurant....owned by one Paula Deen.
I hope to have pictures and details next week.
Hope you guys have a nice weekend. I know I plan to!
What a awesume post and what an awesume husband you have! Going to Sawannah sounds like so much fun! I hope you have a great time at the bed and breakfast! It sounds like a perfect way to spend your birthday and your 12 wedding anniversary! I hope you will take a lot of pictures and share your fun trip!!
Your hubby sounds awesome! And so does that road trip. GA is one state I've travelled thru some, but have never been able to visit and I'd love to be able to-especailly if I was good company like that!
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