Sunday, September 5, 2010

Long Lost Savannah Post: Buildings Part 1

So....I fell off the face of the earth.
I know that's what you thought, right?
Very, very long story short, I started classes the day after we got back from Savannah and have had my head buried in a book ever since. Suffice it to say that some papers didn't get processed in time, financial aid was delayed and I got my books 3 weeks late and had to make up some major lost time. Anyway, I am leaving for my cruise in the morning and thought that I'd get these pictures posted so that I will be able to post new ones when I get back!! After busting my rump catching up on schoolwork enough to actually work ahead for the week that I'm gone, while simultaneously working 40 weeks and homeschooling my kids I am in desperate need of this vacation. Don't worry, if there's really safety in numbers I'll be fine cause we are taking 7 girls with us! Anyway, this post is one of (I think) 2 posts strictly about the beautiful buildings we saw in Savannah. Since there are so many I will try to just put a sentence or two as a caption. Hope you enjoy them!!

Distant view of the steeple at the St. John Catholic Church, built in the 1700's when Georgia was a colony.

St. John's from across the street.

St. John's up close.

St. John's....the next post will have all the breathtaking interior pictures.

The front face of the Cotton Exchange...side note: any pics of Red Brick buildings are pre-civil war which means that each and every brick was hand made and fired by slaves. Each completely unique. Some still bear fingerprints.

The back of the Cotton Exchange....the front was the only part the public could see so it was the only part that mattered :)

The Gold-leafed Dome on the Savannah City Hall.

Savannah City Hall

St. John's Episcopal Church, pre-civil war.

We called this the half-building...we're pretty sure it is all that's left of a whole building since one side is rounded and the other is not.

Mikve Israel Synagogue...we stayed on the same block as this 1700's Jewish synagogue. Not only is it extremely beautiful, they do daily call to prayer. We could hear the rabbi on the steps giving the call in Hebrew Chant every morning. Beautiful.

Not a very good shot, but it's the steeple for the Wesleyan Methodist Church..started in the late 1600's by John Wesley when he was driving out of England during the Reformation. We attended this church the Sunday we were another post I will show the interior pic.

Six Pence Pub...great pub food. Side Note: A scene from 'Something to Talk About' with Julia Roberts and Dennis Quaid was filmed here.

The most beautiful building in Savannah! Now apart of the SCAD campus (there are like 15 buildings downtown), it was once the Armory for the Confederacy, hence the enormous cannons at the door front.

A bas-relief of a woman and children on the front of the Board of Education...I thought it was beautiful.

First Presbyterian Church Steeple. Side Note: The opening scene of 'Forest Gump' was filmed here...the feather floating around.

Random sculpture...I couldn't possibly take pictures of every beautiful sculpture or art we found in Savannah. The city is teeming with it.

Well, that is just a small taste of it. It really is too much for one post. I will try to schedule one or two if I can get them loaded before I leave in the morning :) If not (cause I'm really tired and I have to get up up really early), I promise to post the rest before I start unloading all of the Mexico pics!!
Hasta luego~


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